An homage
Released in 2021: This collage project is a special and personal project . It iss a memorial to my mother who passed away at the onset of the pandemic and who, like many, could not be honored as she should have been. Religious themes prevail here as do ideals of beauty and references to Sicily.
This is a virtual planting of flowers around her grave.
Isabella Claudia Eugenia, daughter of King Phillip II of Spain wears a crown of Roses to honor the Patron Saint of Sicily, Santa Rosalia who is called upon to intercede during plagues.
The figure: Alonso Sanchez Coello (1531-1588) This painting of Isabelle Claudia Eugenia was commissioned by her father, Phillip I, King of Spain who became King of Naples and Sicily.
The Adoration of the Magi
Artist Geertgen tot Sint Jans
Year Circa 1480–1485
The Adoration of the Magi. An oil on panel painting of the Adoration of the Magi by the Renaissance artist Geertgen tot Sint Jans in the collection of the Rijksmuseum. I chose this scene because it represents one of the most recognized and celebrated events in Christianity, the birth of Jesus.
The figure is a Bouguereau study, Ètude Tete de Jeune Fille, 1898 set against an ancient Asian fresco. The flowers which are plentiful throughout the collection are a reminder of the transience of life. The crown of finches evokes the image of Jesus' crown of thorns and represents relief from the physical and earthly.
Wat Uposatharam, Thailand
Fresco: The Lives of Buddha
These murals are found in the Ordination Hall of the Wat Bot temple in Thailand. They depict the legend of Lord Buddha from his birth until his death. They were painted during the Rattanakosin Era.
The figure is Bouguereau's painting, La Vague (The Wave) 1896, set against an ancient Asian fresco scene which represents the life of Buddha. She wears a crown of roses to honor Santa Rosalia, the patron Saint of Palermo. The lemon: a staple of Sicilian food and culture.
"La Vague" (The Wave) painted in in 1896 by William Bougeureau was first exhibited in the Paris salon in 1896. The pose of the figure in La Vague is from the classical depiction of river gods.
Mural for Buddha. An important function of these murals is to commemorate Buddha's deeds. It was believed that through knowing (in visualizing) the sacrifices and challenges that Buddha endured we may develop a strong resolution to brave the path of the enlightened. Unknown Buddhist mural.
The figure from Bougeureau's "Young Girl defending against Eros'' was displayed in the Paris Salon of the 1800's. In the collage, the figure is admiring a finch that is perched on her hand. The finch known for its beautiful song and dancelike flight pattern is a symbol of happiness and of vulnerability.
The background depicts the cautionary tale of Adam's fate after being tempted to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Sentenced to a life of labor he is depicted here as a plough man angrily whipping his horses. This medieval gothic fresco is found in Aspo, Sweden.