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Marks and mark-making fascinate me. A simple, unassuming line comes alive with weight, movement, dimension, direction and inherent personality. Add color and gradation, and there is the alchemy.

I am particularly drawn to portraiture, where my objective is not a likeness but a representation of the subject’s emotional tapestry: the shape and roll of the lip line, the knitted brow or emotion in the eyes. Seeing this requires intense focus on subtle nuances. It is the art of painting what is NOT visible.

In 1982, at age 14, I hopped on the A train and made my way to the Art Student’s League on West 57th Street for drawing lessons. The drawing instructor was an elderly man with horn-rimmed glasses and a distressed tweed jacket. In one hand, he held an eraser and in the other a chalk-tipped pointer. He dove into a lecture with intermittent arm swirls that resulted in perfect marks while articulating a skeleton that stood beside him. He ended the class by emphasizing that his lesson would be moot if we failed to practice.

I discontinued painting and drawing for twenty years while raising two children, now in college, and cared for an ailing parent. During that time, I taught myself graphic design on an open-source program that I incorporate into my art, which now I practice every day.

"Nulla Dies Sin Linea."

Nulla Dies Sin Linea, ‘No day without a line” is the motto of the Art Student’s League in NYC.

The Paintings above are:


figure 5x5 oil on canvas

eyes 1 inch dominoes

figure 2 "hope" 3 inches round

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